About Kim Hudson

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me on a good day

KIM HUDSON Author of The Virgin’s Promise

I grew up in the Yukon, a Hero’s daughter with a Cinderella Complex.  Basically life taught me many of the things I needed to know to write this book.  I spent the first half of my career exploring my masculine side, first as a field geologist and later as a federal land claims negotiator.  Exploring my feminine side became important to me as I raised my two daughters.  This lead me to study Writing for Film and Television at Vancouver Film School, and take courses on mythology, feminism and psychology including a Jungian Odyssey in Switzerland.  This theory was developed by closely observing the archetypal expressions that are all around us in movies, music, television, advertisements and stories of personal growth, including my own.  The Virgin’s Promise is  my first book.

The purpose of this blog is to introduce an archetypal structure that expands the work of Joseph Campbell to include a feminine archetype.  Maybe it will create more meaningful roles for women.  That would be good.  I would also hope it will create stories about men who also want to follow their spiritual, sexual or creative awakening, otherwise known as their feminine side.  I’ve tried to use examples of male and female Virgins to show this. So go ahead and explore the ideas, tell me what movies you liked and what you think is also a Virgin movie.  I’m happy to answer questions on story structure or archetypes.  I want everyone to be comfortable with the language of Virgin as well as Hero movies and stories of all kinds.

follow me on twitter @kimehudson

I have another blog at archetypalleadership.me that explores using archetypes in leadership.

You can contact me at kimhdsn@gmail.com.

I am switching gears for a while and won’t be doing any more script analyses.  I will keep you posted on any workshops I will be giving.  My plan is to attend two large screenwriting gatherings a year.   I hope to see you at one of them.

All the best,


13 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kieran Egan  |  November 21, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    Laurie Anderson mentioned your work. I suggested you likely know, but, if not, would likely be interested in Vladimir Propp’s The morphology of the folk-tale. It’s not at all Jungian, which is a considerable virtue from my point of view, but it does touch in issues similar to those you discuss in your book.

    Best wishes,


  • 2. Laurie  |  March 25, 2010 at 11:53 am

    I am looking forward to the release of your book!
    What an insightful idea you have developed, so long overdue and so essential to recognizing the different perspectives expressed in film.
    Well done!
    Laurie Anderson, PhD

  • 3. Julia Hunter  |  September 21, 2010 at 9:32 pm

    I can’t find an email address on your site – would you please contact me about a possible speaking engagement?

    Thank you!
    Julia Hunter
    Vice President
    Greater Seattle RWA

  • 5. Matches Malone  |  November 24, 2011 at 8:15 am

    Fascinating. Maybe someone will get me your book for Christmas.

  • 6. Debra Eve  |  April 18, 2012 at 11:29 am

    Kim, I’m about 3/4 way through your book and savoring it. I worked under one of Joseph Campbell’s colleagues and spent a year in screenwriting school, so it absolutely resonates with me.

    Just a suggestion…you don’t have your full name here anywhere that I can see, so someone just stumbling upon this blog can’t identify the book’s author.


    • 7. thevirginspromise  |  May 2, 2012 at 6:40 am

      Dear Debra, thank you so much for taking the time to point this out. I am such a neophyte at marketing I really appreciate your advice. I can’t believe I didn’t notice that.

      How exciting you worked with Joseph Campbell’s colleague! Please share any insights you have as you read my book. I am delighted it is resonating with you.


  • 8. Usha Mccarthey  |  May 24, 2012 at 12:08 am

    Thanks for helping out, excellent information.

  • […] also experienced the serene, almost ethereal warrior woman, Kim Hudson – author of The Virgin’s Promise. She is a person who exudes warmth, but leaves you with no […]

  • 10. Turning Points – I think I had twelve this week… | My Blog  |  September 12, 2013 at 6:34 am

    […] mid August, I went to the RWA writers conference in Perth and attended Kim Hudson’s workshop on “The Virgin’s” journey. “The Virgin” being an archetype that describes the […]

  • 11. wendyleslie  |  December 20, 2013 at 3:51 pm

    I too, attended the RWA writers conference in Perth and your workshop was fabulous, thank you, and the ‘missing link’ I needed desperately, to understand why my ‘Hero’ – usually a woman, always got lost about half way along the ‘Journey.’ That concept just didn’t relate at all.
    Thanks again, Wendy

    • 12. Kim Hudson  |  January 25, 2014 at 10:40 pm

      I am so looking forward to the books coming out of Australia!


  • 13. Chris Husberg  |  April 29, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    Hey Kim! I just wanted to say thanks for writing your book…I read Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces, and while I appreciated it, really missed a more feminine perspective. Your book was just what I needed. So, yeah, thanks–you are awesome. Also, I’ve been blogging about story structure lately on my blog, so if you’ve got time, check out what I’m saying about the Virgin’s Promise–it’s becoming a major component of how I view stories. Links including Virgin’s Promise stuff are below. Thanks again!



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